
Netstra Broadband, a prominent internet service provider, has launched the
“Internet Clean Pipe Solution” specifically designed for small and mediumsized businesses.

This secure internet solution guarantees clean internet traffic by eradicating malware, spam, and viruses, all without requiring customers to invest in security hardware.
The initial response from customers has been highly positive, indicating a swift increase in sales for this innovative solution.
Internet traffic often carries various threats such as spyware, malware, worms, trojans, and viruses, jeopardizing data security and causing bandwidth congestion.

Netstra Broadband’s Internet Clean Pipe solution operates at the core-network layer, examining internet traffic for vulnerabilities before it reaches the customer’s premises. This ensures optimal utilization of purchased bandwidth by filtering out unwanted traffic.

By adopting this solution, businesses can eliminate the need for investing in security hardware and associated maintenance costs. Customers can rest assured that their bandwidth is solely utilized for legitimate purposes.
Operating 24x7x365, the Internet Clean Pipe solution offers users multiple bandwidth speed options, supported by top-tier Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that guarantee enhanced network uptime, zero latency, and minimal packet drop, among other advantages.